Goree Ubtan For Fair and Radiant Skin

20.00 AED

Goree Ubtan with the new improved Organic Herbal formula, you can get your skin freshness back which is lost due to pollution non hygienic diet, impure water, and medicines.
Its regular use can also help in removing scars.
It contains more than 30 Organic Herbal ingredients which has no side effect.
It will help you lock in essential moisture of your skin without making it feel sticky or greasy.
Skin Losses its natural glow and fairness due to exposures to air pollution.
Nutritional deficiency, impure water, everyday disease, and substandard medicine, thus resulting in pimples, acne, freckles, and uneven skin tone.
Goree Ubtan contains more than 30 laboratory tested herbal ingredients and Turmeric powder, Ubtan powder, Glycerin and exfoliating agents which gives results in just a week time.
